In a significant move, ISRO confirmed the successful transmission of a Chandrayaan-3 into translunar orbit

Chandrayaan-3 Recently, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) confirmed the successful completion of Chandrayaan’s orbit around the world, and now heading towards its target towards the Southern pole of the Moon.

The Transmission of Chandrayaan-3

The ISRO in Bengaluru had successfully executed the TransLunar Injection (TLI) through ISRO’s Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Network (ISTRAC), thus successfully completing its orbits around Earth and begin its journey towards the Moon, successfully completing its orbits around Earth and begin its journey towards the Moon. This pivotal step in lunar missions allows spacecraft to break free from Earth’s gravitational force and commence their journey towards the Moon which is known as ‘perigee,’ denoting the closest proximity to EarthAfter the Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI), the mission entails four more planned orbital manoeuvres to position the spacecraft at an approximate distance of 100 km from the moon’s surface. Chandrayaan-3 consists of a lander module (LM), a propulsion module (PM), and a rover. The spacecraft is scheduled to make a touchdown on the moon’s surface at 5.47 p.m. on August 23.

Chandrayaan-3 press realase

Is Chandrayaan-3 a robotic space mission concept by ISRO?

Chandrayaan-3 is an upcoming robotic mission by ISRO, designed to land a rover on the moon’s surface.

When was Chandrayaan-3 launched?

On 14th July 2023, Chandrayaan-3 launched