Floral and faunal database ( India added 664 animal species to its fauna database and 339 taxa to its flora)

Floral and faunal database In the recent technological advancement, GOI had added nearly 664 animal species to its faunal database comprising 467 new species and 197 new records [species found in India for the first time]. With it, the government also added  339 new plant taxa – 186 taxa that are new to science and 153 taxa as new distributional records from the country in 2022, as stated by  Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Bhupender Yadav in Kolkata on July 1.

About the Floral and Faunal database

It is compiled in the new publication by the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) titled Animal Discoveries – New Species and New Records 2023, while floral discoveries were contained in Plant Discoveries 2022, which is published by the Botanical Survey of India (BSI). In the new publication, India had added 664 new species which includes 367 new species and 197 new records were added. In it, 30 new species and 2 new recorded reptiles, 6 new species and 1 new record of amphibian and 28 new species and 8 new records of fish were included. While in plants 37% of seeds plants, 29% fungi, 16% lichen, 8% algae, and 6 % bryophytes. 3% microbes and the rest 1% pteridophytes were included in the recent publication of Plant Discoveries 2022.


Floral and faunal database (video)

When does India add 540 species to the faunal database?

Recently in 2021, India added 540 species to its faunal database taking the total number of animal species to 1,03,258, while, it added 315 taxa to flora taking the number to take the total number of animal species to 1,03,258. 

What is the rank of India in flora and fauna?

India is ranked in 10th in the rank in flora and fauna