In G20 Presidency, Union Minister Bhupender Yadav launched the Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC) in Chennai

Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC) in Chennai In the recent update, Union Minster Bhupendra Yadav, launched the Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC) in Chennai with the aim at promote resource efficiency and circular economy practices worldwide, bringing together companies from various sectors and countries.  The event will take place during the G20’s Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group and Environment and Climate Ministers meeting.

What is the Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC)

Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC) comprises 39 companies headquartered in 11 different countries, representing a diverse range of businesses, from multinational corporations to startups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) including industries spanning manufacturing, waste collection, sorting, and recycling. 3 guiding principles of RECIC are  a. Partnerships for Impact: Collaboration among participating industries to drive meaningful change and collective action. b. Technology Cooperation: Promoting the exchange of innovative technologies to support sustainable practices. c. Finance for Scale: Facilitating access to financing for large-scale adoption of resource efficiency and circular economy practices.

G20 Meeting Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Industry Coalition (RECEIC)

Union Minister Bhupender Yadav invited the 39 multinational corporations (MNCs) from sectors such as steel, FMCG, and electronics later involved in the signing of the foundational charter and unveiling of the logo, under the presence of Ministers of seven countries such as Mauritius, Denmark, Italy, Canada, UAE, France, and the European Union. RECEIC serves as a collaborative platform for sharing best practices, sustainable strategies, and knowledge among participating industries.

Press Realase

What is a circular economy model?

The circular economy is a sustainable way of producing and consuming that focuses on reusing, sharing, and recycling materials and products to minimize waste and make the most of available resources.

Who introduced the concept of circular economy?

Dr Walter Stahel introduced the concept of circular economy