Sri Lanka has notified the Indian rupee as their designated foreign currency

 Indian Rupee as designated foreign currency Sri Lanka recently released a notification where they had designated Indian currency  as a designated currency, India’s external affairs ministry announced yesterday ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe

Indian Currency in Sri Lanka

In the MEA press release, they release the statement by saying “Sri Lanka is an important partner in India’s Neighbourhood First Policy and Vision SAGAR. The visit will reinforce the longstanding friendship between the two countries and explore avenues for enhanced connectivity and mutually beneficial cooperation across sectors. After assuming office in July 2022, the current President Wickremesinghe invited Indian PM Narendra Modi to discuss various issues for better economic policy and cooperation between the 2 countries, after India gave aid worth almost $4 billion, including currency support, deferred payment of loans and lines of credit for emergency purchases of food, fuel and medicines to Sri Lanka.

 Indian Rupee as designated foreign currency

In many countries is INR the designated currency in their country?

In countries like Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Nepal  INR has the designated currency in their country

Which country officially uses Indian currency?

Bhutan had officially used Indian currency as their official currency