India imposed  anti-dumping duty on optical fibre imports from 3 countries China, Korea and Indonesia

Anti-dumping duty on optical fibre imports The Finance Ministry has enforced anti-dumping duties on  Dispersion Unshifted Single-Mode Optical Fiber (SMOF) imports from China, South Korea, and Indonesia to mitigate the adverse effects on the domestic industry, based on the recommendations of the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR). The products which are banded include different kinds of cables, including optical fibre, tight buffer cables, and armoured and un-armoured cables. The imposition came at India’s ongoing digitization drive, particularly with the ambitious Bharat Net rural outreach plan, which aims at increasing domestic industry and protecting it from the adverse consequences of artificially low-priced imports. In the notification issued by GOI, they said “The anti-dumping duty imposed under this notification shall be effective for a period of five years (unless revoked, superseded or amended earlier) from the date of publication,” The anti-dumping duty is likely to be a major relief to both domestic businesses and international companies that manufacture locally including Sterlite Industries, Birla Cable, Birla Furukawa Fibre Optics, HFCL, and American Corning.

Anti-dumping duty on optical fibre imported

Based on the finding of the Directorate General of Trade Remedies – the investigative wing of  Commerce Ministry of India issued the anti-dumping order on the Dispersion of Unshifted Single-Mode Optical Fiber (SMOF) imports from China, South Korea and Indonesia. This issue is taken after the domestic optical fibre industry, due to the surge of inexpensive and substandard imports from these nations including China, Korea and Indonesia. In the notification issued by GOI, they said “The anti-dumping duty imposed under this notification shall be effective for a period of five years (unless revoked, superseded or amended earlier) from the date of publication,”

Anti-dumping duty over optical fibre

What is the anti-dumping duty imposed by India?

The anti-dumping duty imposed by India to protect the domestic industry from the unfair trade practices of dumping so as to re-establish a situation of open and fair competition in the Indian market, which is in the general interest of the country

On whom, do the anti-dumping duty imposed by India?

The products which are banded include different kinds of cables, including optical fibre, tight buffer cables, and armoured and un-armoured cables, under the anti-dumping duty imposed by India