Kerala realase Shubhayatra scheme to oversee Keralites

Shubhayatra scheme Kerala introduced the Shubhayatra scheme aimed at providing support and facilitating overseas migration for better international relationships. Under this scheme, Keala people will get financial assistance of up to ₹2 lac, a tax holiday for six months, and attractive interest subvention. The scheme had also a provision to provide a soft loan called ‘foreign employability skilling assistant’ which covers preparatory expenses for migration while providing a loan proportional to the salary offered to the candidate by their employer in the recipient country. For successful implementation,  the State government collaborated with nationalized and scheduled banks where these banks will be responsible for offering soft loans to eligible candidates.

Shubhayatra scheme to oversee Keralites

In a recent interview with Hindu, K. Harikrishnan Namboothiri, Chief Executive Officer, NoRKA-Roots – the implementing agency – said though Kerala has a long history of international migration, the new overseas job aspirants from Kerala often find it difficult to meet the incidental expense required for acquiring regulatory skills and licences in different countries. With it, the Kerala government launched a helpline under the ‘Operation Subhayathra’ or Operation Happy Journey project to crack down on fake recruitments from Kerala to various countries. While the Kerala police launched the project with implementing agency, under the Kerala government assisting Non-Resident Keralites (NRKs) and Protectors of Emigrants (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Kerala government launched the Shubhayatra scheme

 What is the Shubhayatra Scheme of the Kerala government?

The Shubhayatra Scheme is a scheme of the Kerala government to provide assistance and support to overseas emigrants from the state, ensuring a safe and smooth migration process.

 How will the Shubhayatra Scheme benefit emigrants?

Under the Shubhayatra scheme, Keala people will get financial assistance of up to ₹2 lac, a tax holiday for six months, and attractive interest subvention. The scheme had also a provision to provide a soft loan called ‘foreign employability skilling assistant’ which covers preparatory expenses for migration while providing a loan proportional to the salary offered to the candidate by their employer in the recipient country