UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has gained approval for the world 1st Seven-Minute Cancer Treatment Jab

World-First Seven-Minute Cancer Treatment Jab The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has gained approval from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to offer the first Seven-Minute Cancer Treatment Jab. As per medical staff the medicine  Atezolizumab, usually given intravenously via a drip, can take around 30 to 60 minutes, but this innovation is expected to provide the patients treatment work swiftly, thus dramatically cutting treatment times by up to 75%.

World-First Seven-Minute Cancer Treatment Jab

World-First Seven-Minute Cancer Treatment Jab is developed for Atezolizumab, an immunotherapy drug developed by Genentech that helps the patient’s immune system recognize and combat cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy. This new “under the skin” injection method reduces the administration time to about seven minutes, making the treatment more convenient for every patient of approximately 3,600 patients in England alone.

Who developed the world-first seven-minute cancer Jab?

UK’s National Health Service (NHS) developed the world-first seven-Minute cancer Jab