AU Small Finance Bank stated the  24×7 Video Banking Service, check details here

AU Small Finance Bank AU Small Finance Bank become 1st Indian bank, unveiling a groundbreaking 24×7 video banking service, enabling customers to engage in face-to-face video interactions with expert bankers, akin to video calls. This service provides a virtual platform where customers can communicate with a video banker in real time via video calls, like video conferencing. Uttam Tibrewal, Executive Director, of AU Small Finance Bank released the statement “AU Small Finance Bank’s foray into round-the-clock Video Banking represents a paradigm shift in modern banking. Even on holidays and weekends, AU’s dedicated team would ensure face-to-face, human-centric interactions, underscoring the bank’s commitment to enhancing nationwide banking experiences. We empower our customers in this digital epoch by elevating accessibility and convenience to unparalleled heights,” 

AU Small Finance Bank stated the  24×7 Video Banking Service

AU Small Finance Bank Limited (AU Bank), the country’s largest small finance bank, had initiated a 24×7 live video banking service. allowing the customers to have live video interactions with bankers at all times and on all days. Currently, AU Bank serves more than 2.7 million customers and has over 900 banking touchpoints. At present the AU Bank will come in collaboration with  Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner WorkApps, where they are going to implement an end-to-end video banking platform as part of its AU 0101 mobile app.  This solution will use Amazon Rekognition as an image analysis tool to verify customers’ identities in near real-time against their Aadhaar identification document or passport. The bank also uses Amazon OpenSearch Service to facilitate document and video retrieval for Open Search Service to facilitate document and video retrieval.

AU Small Finance Bank

Is AU Bank a scheduled bank?

AU Small Finance Bank is a scheduled bank

Which bank introduced Internet banking in India?

 ICICI (1996) introduced Internet banking in India