Edgars Rinkevics becomes the EU’s 1st openly gay president of Latvia

Edgars Rinkevics Since its independence in 1991, Edgars Rinkevics becomes the 11th president of Latvia, where the departure of Eglis Levit’s previous president who did not seek re-election.

Edgars Rinkevics Why it is significant

Edgars Rinkevics is one of Europe’s few LGBTQ+ heads of state, who is popular for his firm stance on Russia and support for Ukraine since his declaration of his sexual orientation as gay on Twitter in 2014, where its presidency symbolizes progress in LGBTQ+ representation and acceptance in the region. Before the presidency terms, he had a tenure of 12 years as a foreign minister.

Edgars Rinkevics(Video)

When did Latvia become a member of the EU?

On 1 May 2004, did Latvia become a member of the EU

Who joined the EU first?

 Founded in 1957 which is now known as the European Union had 6 members  Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.