PM Of India had become the  guest of honour for the French military parade

Guest of honour  As the honour of the French government, they had made the PM of India named Narendra Modi to be the guest of honour of the French military parade.

PM to be Guest of Honor

 Enhancing strategic and economic ties, and fostering mutual growth, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited as the guest of honour for France’s Bastille Day celebrations, which will take place on July 14.  As a signature of mutual understanding Indian Army will also be part of the Bastille Day military parade, thus signifying the strategic alliance between France and India. Bastille Day is a national holiday in France, known locally as “Fête de la Fédération,” and serves as a celebration of French unity and the ideals of the revolution. This upcoming celebration between Prime Minister Modi and President Emmanuel Macron in Paris will further enhance the strategic partnership between India and France, where in past, these two countries had collaborated in various sectors, including defence, with India procuring French-made Rafale fighter jets to modernize its armed forces.

France’s Bastille Day

What is the national day of the 14th of July in France?

Bastille Day commemorates the 1790 “Fête de la Fédération”, where this celebration is done as 1st anniversary of dismantling the Bastille fortress on 14 July 1789

Who is the chief guest of Bastille Day?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the chief guest of Bastille Day