Tamil Nadu state topped  NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022

NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022 In the 3rd edition of the NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022, Tamil Nadu topped the list of it following Maharashtra (78.20) and Karnataka (76.36).

NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022

In the 3rd edition launched on  17th July 2023,  Tamil Nadu topped the ranking with an overall score of 80.89 while Maharashtra with a score of 78.20 was second and Karnataka was third with a score of 76.36, where Gujarat scored fourth position with a score of 73.22 followed by Andhra Pradesh, Odissa, West Bengal and Kerala in the ranking of coastal areas.

What is the Export Preparedness Index 2022?

It is the comprehensive asses the export preparedness of the State and UT in the country through comprehensive analysis of States and UTs across export-related parameters to identify their strengths and weaknesses, through constant stakeholder feedback. It had 4 pillars which are mentioned below:-

  • Policy Pillar: This pillar evaluated how well the states and UTs adopted and implemented export-related policies at the state and district levels.
  • Business Ecosystem: This pillar assesses the quality and availability of business-supportive infrastructure such as power, water, land and logistics as well as the transport connectivity of the States and UTs to domestic and international markets.
  • Export Ecosystem: This pillar focuses on the export-supportive infrastructure and trade services provided by the States and the UTs.
  • Export Performance: This pillar measures the actual export outcomes of the states and UTs such as export growth, diversification and competitiveness.

Who topped the  NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022?

Tamil Nadu state topped the  NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022

What is the score of Tamil Nadu in NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022?

The score of Tamil Nadu in NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2022 is 80.89