National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal, Gujarat ( Government had approved the heritage spot for maritime history)

National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal, Gujarat In the recent development, GOI approved the construction of the memorial National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal Gujarat under the Sagarmala program.

National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal, Gujarat-(in details)

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways had approved the construction of the National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal Gujrat with an estimated cost of ₹4,500 crores. This project aims to showcase  India’s maritime heritage from ancient to modern times while serving international tourist destination, spreading awareness about the country’s rich maritime legacy.

National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal, Gujarat ( what it offers)

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways had approved the construction of the World’s Highest Lighthouse Museum offering visits unique scenery to the surrounding maritime landscape. But the highlight of the project is is it is offering the world’s largest open Aquatic Gallery, while locating the country’s naval museum, offering a pictorial representation of the significance of the country’s naval forces

National Maritime Heritage Complex in Lothal, Gujarat( video)

Where will the National Maritime Heritage Complex be situated?

The National Maritime Heritage Complex is in Lothal, Gujrat.

When will the project be intimated?

The onsite project progress National Maritime Heritage Complex is scheduled for July 2, 2023