Projects Tiger and Project Elephant merge together into a fresh division named ‘Project Tiger and Elephant Division’

Project Tiger and Elephant Division India 2 notable conservation endeavours, named Project Tiger and Project Elephant merged under ‘Project Tiger and Elephant Division, by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).

Project Tiger and Elephant Division

In the significant event, an order dated June 23, 2023, confirmed that there will be a common allocation of funds from the beginning of this year The MoEFCC decision on the merger was unexpected  — it came less than four months after the Prime Minister referred to the programme as “a remarkable success story in the conservation and growth of tigers” on its 50th anniversary. A similar proposal was previously provided but after objections from experts on the National Board for Wildlife standing committee, as they had wildlife experts argued that both projects had distinct challenges and merging them will undermine the conservation of both animals. While the government’s point of view is that it is aim to rationalize funding, while improving conservation by reducing overlap in areas with both programs, the lack of funds and the confusion regarding fund division have raised concerns among experts.

Conservation of Tiger and Elephants

When was the Project Tiger launched?

The Project Tiger was launched in 1973 under which 27 tiger reserves have been set up in 17 states.

What is the name of the elephant project?

 MIKE Programme, is the name of the Elephant project