Arash-Dorra Gas Field Dispute initiated between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

Arash-Dorra Gas Field Dispute explained Saudi Arabia and Kuwait had initiated a conflict where both claimed their sole ownership over the Arash-Dorra gas field, a resource-rich offshore area also claimed by Iran. It had escalated now as Iran threatened to pursue exploration despite objections from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.  Over this, the Kuwaiti Minister of Oil, Saad Al Barrak, issued a statement expressing his rejection of what he described as “Iranian claims and measures” concerning the “Durra” field (as named by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia), a gas field in the sea, emphasizing that they “contradict the fundamental principles of international relations.”. As per 1 report, the reserves are estimated at one trillion cubic ic feet of natural gas, of which 200 billion cubic feet are likely to be extracted immediately, in addition to over 310 million barrels of oil, where some energy experts estimate that the reserves of the Durra field approach 11 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and about 300 million barrels of oil and oil condensates

Arash-Dorra Gas Field Dispute explained

Known as Arash in Iran and Dorra in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where the contention roots can be traced back to the 1960s when Iran and Kuwait granted offshore concessions to different companies – the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now BP) and Royal Dutch Shell, respectively. In the joint news reporting both countries asserted their full sovereign rights to exploit the wealth in the disputed area, while reiterating their call for the Islamic Republic of Iran to engage in negotiations to identify their maritime borders and settle the dispute peacefully Over which Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji stated that Iran would protect its rights and interests regarding the field and urged for understanding and cooperation to be prioritized in resolving the issue. 

Arash-Dorra Gas Field Dispute news

What is the Arash-Dorra Gas Field Dispute?

Arash-Dorra Gas Field Dispute dispute between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, where both counties can declare ownership of Arash-Dorra Gas Field.

Who is the Iranian Oil Minister?

Javad Owji is the Iranian Oil Minister