The Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023 launched by Rajasthan Assembly for income generation

The Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023 For income generation, Rajasthan Assembly launched the  guarantee of wages or pensions to the entire adult population in the state

The Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023

Calling it  “incomparable and historic” Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shanti Dhariwal those the state government is going to provide an employment guarantee for 125 days every year and a minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month to all families, including those in urban and rural areas, with an annual automatic increase of 15 per cent. Furthering the scheme, the government is aiming at providing comprehensive benefits, like free medical treatment, accident insurance, free electricity, and subsidized gas cylinders, further improving the financial situation of beneficiaries.

The Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023

Who launched the Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023?

The Ghelot government launched the Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023

What is the provision of the Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill,2023?

As per the notification, the state government is going to provide an employment guarantee for 125 days every year and a minimum pension of Rs 1,000 per month to all families, including those in urban and rural areas, with an annual automatic increase of 15 per cent