Operation Duck Hunt Destroy the QakBot Malware Network of 700,000 computers

Operation Duck Hunt Law enforcement agencies from the U.S., France, Germany, Latvia, Romania, the Netherlands, and the U.K. started Operation Duck Hunt to dismantle the QakBot Mallware network of 700,000 computers worldwide, engaging in financial fraud and ransomware distribution. The ransomware that was targeted included Conti, ProLock, and REvil of 70,000 computers engaged in financial fraud and ransomware distribution of $8.6 million in cryptocurrency profits

Operation Duck Hunt

The coordinated efforts included law enforcement agencies from the U.S., France, Germany, Latvia, Romania, the Netherlands, and the U.K. where they successfully dismantled the notorious Windows malware family responsible for global compromises, financial fraud, and ransomware distribution to combat cybercriminal activities of QakBot. QakBot known as QBot and Pinkslipbot, is a banking trojan in 2007 wherein it belongs to the major ransomware families such as Conti, ProLock, and REvil. The operation aimed at neutralising the QakBot botnet traffic by redirecting it to servers controlled by law enforcement agencies where they installed the download an uninstaller file that detached the machines from the botnet.

QakBot Malware Network

What is the name of the operation which lead to dismantle the QakBot malware network?

Operation Duck Hunt is the name of the operation which lead to dismantle the QakBot malware network