Scientists from Bangladesh and Mauritius joined the Indian research vessel ‘Sagar Nidhi’ for an oceanic expedition

Sagar Nidhi Scientists from Bangladesh and Mauritius joined hands for the oceanic expedition named Sagar Nidhi which will last for 35 days. During the expedition, the scientists of both countries will undertake research on the marine environment and variations in ocean parameters conducted by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, under the framework of Colombo Security Concave (CSC) between the nations of the Indian Ocean Region, with the aim of  make maritime security, marine pollution

Sagar Nidhi explained

Sagar Nidhi is a multidisciplinary vessel operated by the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences built in Fincantieri, Italy in the year 2007. This multidisciplinary vessel is designed with blue-water capability with ranges of up to 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km) for voyages lasting up to 45 days, capable of carrying out geo-scientific, meteorological and oceanographic research. This vessel’s purpose is to launch tsunami monitoring systems and remotely operable vehicles, for identifying mines and gas hydrates.

Built and ManufacturerBuilt in 2007 by Fincantieri, Italy
LengthApproximately 104 meters (341 feet)
WidthApproximately 18 meters (59 feet)
Propulsion SystemFully automatic diesel-electric propulsion
RangeUp to 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km)
Maximum Voyage DurationUp to 45 days at sea
Submersible CapabilityCapable of launching submersible capsules to a depth of 6 km below sea level

About Sagar Nidhi

What is the objective of Sagar Nidhi?

The Objectives of Sagar Nidhi are as follows
1.) Undertake research on the marine environment
2.) Study Geo-scientific, meteorological and oceanographic research 

What does the Sagar stand for?

Sagar stands for Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR)