Chiefs of India and the Philippines Sign Standard Operating procedure (SOP) for White Shipping Information Exchange

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Recently the Chief of India and Philippines signed the Standing Operating Procedure ( SOP) for the White Shipping Information on 23 August 2023, thus facilitating the operationalization of information exchange on merchant shipping traffic, hence contribution to the enhanced maritime safety and security in the region. Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff, and Admiral Artemio M Abu, Commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard, signed the pact for their respective navy.

Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff, and Admiral Artemio M Abu, Commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard, signing the pact

Increasing the cooperation and coordination between the 2 defence forces of the Southen Sea, the 2 navies signed the agreement for information sharing on merchant shipping traffic, which will enhance maritime safety and security in the region. After signing the SOP both navies had the framework for the exchange of the essential information required for the operationalization of traffic data which is expected to exchange maritime safety and security in the region. Before this, a 5 member delegation of the Phillippine Coast Guard ( PCG) was on tour from the date of the 20th and 24th of August 2023. Regarding this tour, the Indian Navy collaborated with each other and coagulated each other.

With whom is the Indian Navy for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for White Shipping Information Exchange information Exchange?

Chiefs of India and the Philippines Sign Standard Operating procedure (SOP) for White Shipping Information Exchange information Exchange