Rakshak India’s Braves review ( Indian Army at the border)

Rakshak India’s Braves review Join the forces with the brave soldier who sacrificed his life for his country based on the real-life story of a soldier. With the supporting cast of Varun Mitra, Kanika Mann, Mohit Chauhan, Mrinal Kulkarni, Mrinal Chandra, Akshay Bindra, Rama Krishna Dixit, and Umar Sharif with the direction of Akshay Choubey

Rakshak India’s Braves trailer

Rakshak India’s Braves cast

Including the cast of Varun Mitra as Lieutenant Triveni Singh with the supporting cast of  Kanika Mann, Mohit Chauhan, Mrinal Kulkarni, Mrinal Chandra, Akshay Bindra, Rama Krishna Dixit, Umar Sharif under the direction of Akshay Choubey with the writer Bijesh Jayarajan

Rakshak India’s Braves premise

A brave soldier named  Lieutenant Triveni Singh is on the border saving his countrymen from the hands of the enemy army that wants to invade his land. It is based on the life of trial and tribulations of a real-life soldier who is at the border saving his country so it can live alive and kicking.

Rakshak India’s Braves review

A cinematic overview where they try to yield the spirit of the soldier who puts their life on the line for the safety of their fellow citizen while suffice their own life in this.  Lieutenant Triveni Singh who is a soldier of the Indian Armny is the major talking point of this movie which leaves a lasting impact in theatre.

Rakshak India’s Braves download

Rakshak India’s Braves premiered on Amazon TV


Who is the director of the movie Rakshak India’s Braves?

The director of the movie is Akshay Choubey

Who is the cast of the movie Rakshak India’s Braves?

The cast of the movie Rakshak India’s Braves is Varun Mitra, Kanika Mann, Mohit Chauhan, Mrinal Kulkarni, Mrinal Chandra, Akshay Bindra, Rama Krishna Dixit, Umar Sharif