Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced PM Vishwakarma Scheme for traditional artisans and craftspeople

PM Vishwakarma Scheme On the eve of Independence Day, PM Modi introduced Vishwakarma Yojana whose purpose is to provide financial support and skill enhancement to traditional artisans and craftspeople, thus demonstrating its commitment to promoting and preserving traditional skills and crafts.

PM Vishwakarma Scheme

Under the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the central government introduced a new Central Sector Scheme “PM Vishwakarma” with a financial outlay of Rs.13,000 crore for a period of five years (FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28).  The aim of this project is to improve the quality, as well as the reach of products and services of artisans and craftspeople and make them prepare them for domestic and global value chains. Under the scheme, the artisans and craftspeople will be provided recognition through PM Vishwakarma certificate and ID card, Credit Support up to Rs.1 lakh and Rs.2 lakh with a concessional interest rate of 5% while providing skill upgradation, toolkit incentive, incentive for digital transactions and marketing support. 18  traditional trades which were included are Carpenter (Suthar) Boat Maker, Armourer, Blacksmith (Lohar), Hammer and Tool Kit Maker; Locksmith, Goldsmith (Sonar), Potter (Kumhaar), Sculptor (Moortikar, stone carver), Stonebreaker, Cobbler(Charmkar)/ Shoesmith/Footwear artisan, Mason (Rajmistri), Basket/Mat/Broom Maker/Coir Weaver, Doll & Toy Maker (Traditional), Barber (Naai), Garland maker (Malakaar), Washerman (Dhobi), Tailor (Darzi); and Fishing Net Maker.

PM Vishwakarma Scheme discussion

What is Vishwakarma Yojana 2023?

Vishwakarma Yojana is a scheme for traditional artisans and craftspeople for promoting and preserving traditional skills and crafts.